11 research outputs found

    Upaya Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue dalam Bentuk Peta Tematik di Kecamatan Rappocini

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    Abstract. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by dengue virus infection. One symptom of dengue virus infection is high fever and headache. Dengue virus is a virus from the genus Flavivirus, family of Flaviviridae. This dengue fever is a dangerous viral disease because it can cause sufferers to die in a very short time / several days. The existence and population density are often associated with transmission, endemicity and Extraordinary Events (EE) of DHF. Disease mapping by utilizing digital technology to support epidemiological investigations and also as a tool to monitor regional conditions for dengue disease. The purpose of this study was to determine efforts to prevent and control dengue disease by mapping. The results of the study show that mapping can be seen as increasing and decreasing the number of cases of dengue disease so that it can assist in data management and reporting of information to monitor areas at risk of contracting dengue disease. Suggestions given need to do further research using other variables that are the cause of the high rate of dengue cases, so that it can be utilized by related agencies as the basis of the information system supporting the decision on preventive measures to combat dengue. Keywords: prevention and control, DHF, mapping

    Diversifikasi Olahan Daun Miana Bernilai Ekonomis dalam Mendorong Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sokkolia Kabupaten Gowa

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    Persepsi dan Pemahaman Penyuluh KB Terhadap Keluarga Berencana Alami

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    Keluarga Berencana Alami (KBA) adalah metode kontrasepsi yang efektif bila digunakan secara konsisten. Di Makassar akseptor KB Alami masih sangat rendah karena pengetahuan PUS terhadap fertilitas, cara pengaturan kehamilan dan cara mendapatkan kehamilan secara alami masih rendah.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi dan pemahaman penyuluh KB terhadap KB Alami dan sebagai fasilitator metode KB Alami. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi literatur dan Focus Groups Discussion (FGD) dengan 12 penyuluh KB di kota Makassar. Data dianalisis berdasarkan tema. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penyuluh KB yang bertugas di masing-masing kecamatan kota Makassar memiliki persepsi negatif terhadap efektifitas KB Alami dan kurang memahami prinsip kerja dan kombinasi KBA. Masih terjadi misinformasi, miskonsepsi tentang KB Alami. Oleh karena itu KBA itu belum dijadikan materi yang disampaikan kepada Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) sebagai calon akseptor KB Alami. Kesimpulan Persepsi Penyuluh terhadap KBA masih negatif. Pemahaman Penyuluh terhadap KB Alami masih kurang. Penyuluh KB membutuhkan informasi yang mendalam untuk dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan mengajarkan KB Alami sebagai kontrasepsi pilihan PUS yang aman, mudah, efektif dan tidak ada efek samping

    Online media development of natural family planning

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    This research aimed to develop natural family extension media online which can be used as alternative method of family planning, to know the effectiveness of natural family planning extension media online, and to give knowledge of reproductive health in women. The development of Natural Family Planning media using the 4-D development model developed by S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel includes: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. Stage Develop, producing revitalized Natural Algorithm on line media based on input from experts and on-line instruments to get a knowledge of family planning and reproduction health. Furthermore, the dissemination (Disseminate). At this stage is use of Natural Family Planning extension of media online/off line that has been developed on a wider scale to conduct Natural Family Planning online/ offline. Results obtained 1) Natural Family Planning media online/offline in the form of PPT Media, Video, Quiz and Forum Valid, 2) Media Extension effectively used by family planning officer of online, 3) Natural Family Planning improved female reproductive health

    Integration of Education and Internet of Things as an Environmental Conservation Effort

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    Abstract. The population growth rate and the increasing human need for food and shelter cause the environment to be sacrificed to meet human life needs. Between humans and the environment, there is a meaningful reciprocal relationship to meet their needs. In recent years, environmental issues have become an essential concern in the world. These environmental problems are global warming, garbage, and energy needs that encourage natural resource exploitation. Integrating the concept of the Internet of Things in environmental education, relating to the prevention of environmental damage. Internet of Things (IoT) is a development in the technological revolution in the industrial field. Energy saving can also be done by applying the concept of the Internet of Things. In this case, it can be done by introducing the public to smart homes and Internet of Things tools to monitor and save energy consumption. The use of the Internet of Things can increase the efficiency of energy use because users can automatically turn off a number of electrical devices when they are used enough so that no energy is wasted. Keywords: Environmental Conversation, Internet of Things (IoT), Environmental Problem

    Optimization of pectin extraction from kepok banana peels (musa paradisiaca) using surface response methodology

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    Abstract:The experimental design in this study was used to optimize the results of extracting pectin from kepok banana peels by surface method. The model for predicting and optimizing the process of extracting kepok banana pectin consists of 4 axillary points, 4 factorial points, and 5 middle titlication replications using a central commision design (CCD) with DX6.0.4 software. The independent variables used in the optimization of the extraction results of kepok banana pectin are pH and temperature, where the pH is between 1.5 - 2.5 and temperatures are 60°C-100°C and the combination of independent and bound variables (extraction time). The results of pectin extract ranged from 5.79% to 22.57% (b / b, based on the dry weight of kepok banana peel). The variables of pH and temperature, the interaction between pH and temperature, and the interaction between extraction time and pH significantly influence. The optimum conditions for extraction of pectin are estimated at pH (2.5) and temperature (100°C). In optimal conditions, the actual pectin yield is 22.57%, which is below the estimated extraction condition of 21.286%. Analysis of variance, adj R2 and R2, model lack of fit test, and p value statistically indicate that the model is adequate in representing experimental data. The effect of pH and extraction temperature was very significant (P <0.001) on the extraction results of kepok banana peel pectin. This shows that these two variables are very important in the process of extracting kepok banana peel, where the R2 value is 96.01%

    A Comparison of Natural Family Planning Knowledge among Family Planning Counselors in South Sulawesi

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    The research is a descriptive study aimed to investigate the understanding of Family Planning counselors on Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods. Although the information about Family Planning Services already available, the level of participation on Family Planning is still low, especially on NFP. One of the factors causing this phenomenon is the inadequate information provided by doctors, nurses, and family planning, counselors. In order to encourage community participation through NFP methods, their understanding of how reproductive cycles relate with a fertile period should be enhanced. For this purpose, Family planning counselors play an important role, as they are responsible for providing reliable information for the community. Accordingly, an assessment of the counselors’ level of knowledge on NFP as well as the different level of knowledge among Family Planning counselors in cities and districts. The study population was all family planning counselors in South Sulawesi, and a total of 45 counselors from two regencies and one city participated as the study sample. The data of the counselors’ knowledge were collected using an objective test and essay questions regarding NFP methods. The result showed that the average knowledge regarding NFP methods of Family Planning counselors in Makassar City was higher than the counselors from Maros and Gowa regencies

    Menstrual Cycle Length in Women Ages 20-30 years in Makassar

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    Abstract: Menstrual cycle is a naturally occurring mechanism in a reproductive aged woman. The ability of a woman to identify the length of a menstrual cycle is important as a basis to determine the fertile period in the subsequent menstrual cycle. This research aimed to investigate the length of menstrual cycle of women in reproductive age. A regular menstrual cycle occurs in a regular pattern of length which can range from 21 to 35 days in adults. A subsequent cycle which occurs three to five days earlier or longer than the usual pattern would still be considered as normal. Meanwhile, a menstrual cycle which occurs twice in a month or once in more than two months would be considered as irregular cycle. The method implemented was an exploratory method through which menstruation periods of woman in reproductive age were recorded in three consecutive months. The research population was Biology students who are registered in academic year 2017. The participants were students who are registered in Reproduction and Animal Development subject. The data of menstrual period were collected from four study group which consists of 101 students. The result of data analysis on a total of 171 menstrual cycle showed that the average length of participants’ menstrual cycle was 30.08 days. The total of participants showed regular and irregular length of menstrual cycle was 59.41% and 42.57% respectivel

    Design Two-Level Factorial to Screening Factors Influencing of Pectin Extraction from Banana Peels (Musa paradisiaca)

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    Abstract. A study was conducted to vary the parameters affecting the production of pectin extraction from kepok banana peels using 2-level factorial design (2LFD). The experimental design was performed to screen or significant environmental factors for the yield of pectin. Factors involved consist of pH, temperature and extraction time. Independent variables are pH (1.5 to 2.5), temperature (60ÂșC to 100ÂșC) and extraction time (60 minutes to 90 minutes). The results showed that the pectin extract produced ranged from 3.46% to 18.31%. Analysis variance (ANOVA), found the two factors that influence very significantly affected by pH and temperature, the interaction between pH and temperature; temperature and extraction time; interaction pH, temperature and extraction time. Statistical analysis shows that the linear model is significant with the value of R2 is 0.9763. There are four significant factors that influence the pectin yield obtained by 18.31% with a P value less than 0.05 (P <.05)